Need fast funds? A loan is right for you but there a tons of options. Whether it’s a personal long or short terms loan, something for your home, refinance, or automobile, we are confident the articles from our loans section can help you find what you’re looking for.
3 Alternatives Before Using a Debt Settlement Company
A debt settlement company may not be the way to go for you.
Here are other alternatives that you may want to use:
Negotiate with the creditors on your own: You
A Debt Settlement Company Can Help You Prevent Personal Bankruptcy and Reduce Debt
A debt settlement company can help you in many ways. For Instance, they can help you prevent personal bankruptcy. If you can successfully settle your debts, you might be able
3 Ways a Debt Settlement Company Can Help You
Do you think you need help from a debt settlement company? A debt settlement company is a company that negotiates with creditors to accept a lump sum payment that is
How To Get Out Of Student Loan Default
Student loan default doesn’t have to be scary. There are ways to get out of it.
1 – Pay back the full amount. You can either pay back the loan in
Getting Out of Student Loan Default
Are you ready to get out of student loan default? Whether you have private student loans, or others, be sure to read about the consequences of defaulting on your student
Repercussions For Defaulting On A Student Loan
Defaulting on a student loan means you’ve stopped paying the loan for a certain period of time. Here’s what happens when you default on a loan:
– It could damage your credit
Can a Debt Collection Agency Take You to Court?
Some people wonder whether or not they can go to jail for not paying a debt. Well, the short answer is no. But, a debt collection agency can take you
How Do Debt Collection Agencies Work?
If you’ve ever been contacted by a debt collection agency, you’re probably wondering how it works. Debt collection agencies are companies that make money by collecting delinquent debts.
They act on
Know Your Rights When Disputing A Credit Card Debt
If you want to dispute a credit card debt, you have the right to do so. When disputing a debt, know that the agency is required to provide you with
Should You Pay a Debt In Full From A Collection Agency?
When contacted by a collection agency regarding a credit card debt, you have the option of paying it in full, or dividing the payments up.
If you want to pay it
Should You Dispute a Credit Card Debt?
When a collection agency contacts you regarding a debt, you can dispute the ownership of the debt. Once the collection agency receives your dispute, they have to stop contacting you
What Should I Do If I Have Debt in Collections?
If you have a debt in collections, you have a few options for paying it off.
Option 1. Pay the Debt in Full
The easiest way to get a debt collector off